Called by Flame by Kimber White

💛💛💛💛🖤 4 out of 5 hearts for the fourth book in the Dragonborn Daughters series. I absolutely loved the Dragonkeepers series and so when the books started coming out about the daughters of those dragons, I just couldn't resist checking them out! I'm not gunna lie, this particular book wasn't my favorite of the four... Continue Reading →

Scorched by Darkness by Felicity Heaton

💛💛💛💛💛 5 out of 5 hearts for the 18th book in the Eternal Mates series! If you're not familiar with Felicity Heaton's writing then I am here to tell you that her books are a MUST READ. I love all of her series and the Eternal Mates series is up there as my top 3... Continue Reading →

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